Dr. Jeremy Burnham Participates in ACL Surgery Research at Freddie Fu Symposium

Dr. Jeremy Burnham recently participated as a co-author in an important study presented at the 2024 Freddie Fu Panther Sports Medicine Symposium. The research, which brought together international ...(read more)

Technical Considerations in Revision ACL Surgery: Surgical Technique Guide Published by Dr. Burnham

In a comprehensive surgical technique guide published in Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine, Dr. Burnham and colleagues examined the complex considerations involved in revision ACL surgery. Their findings ...(read more)

ACL Surgery Choices: Understanding Muscle Recovery with Different Graft Types

Research published by Dr. Jonathan Hughes, Dr. Jeremy Burnham, Dr. Freddie Fu, Andrew Lynch PT PhD and other sports medicine researchers in The Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicine ...(read more)

Knee Shape May Predict ACL Injury Risk: New Research Findings

Recent research co-authored by Dr. Burnham and his research colleagues has revealed an interesting connection between the shape of your thigh bone and your risk of experiencing an ...(read more)

Personalized Treatment Approach Key for Knee Cap Instability, Says New Research

In a recent scientific editorial published in Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Dr. Jeremy Burnham explores the challenging issue of recurring kneecap instability. This condition, ...(read more)

Dr. Burnham Publishes New Book Chapter on ACL Reconstruction Techniques

Dr. Jeremy Burnham has authored chapter on Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction in a recently published medical textbook Knee Arthroscopy and Preservation Surgery. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Bone ...(read more)

The Shape of Your Knee Matters: New Research Reveals Impact on ACL Injuries

Dr. Jeremy Burnham and a talented team of researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center have uncovered fascinating insights about why some patients experience more knee instability ...(read more)

Understanding New Options for Severe Rotator Cuff Tears: Latest Research from Leading Shoulder Experts

Dr. Jeremy Burnham, along with colleagues from the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, recently published important research in the well-respected journal “Knee ...(read more)

Behind the Scenes at Arthrex Studios: Dr. Burnham’s Unique Approach to Quad Tendon ACL Surgery

Recently, Dr. Burnham had the privilege of visiting the Arthrex Studios in Naples, Florida, to share his insights on one of his favorite surgical techniques: ACL reconstruction utilizing ...(read more)

The Implications of Antibiotics in Poultry: A Medical Perspective

In the realm of orthopedic surgery and sports medicine, the focus is often on injuries, rehabilitation, and the overall well-being of the patient. However, as a medical professional, ...(read more)