The Healthcare Journal of Baton Rouge published an article highlighting Dr. Burnham’s use of new technology to repair torn ACLs.

Summary: Dr. Burnham, the Sports Medicine Director at Ochsner’s Medical Center in Baton Rouge recently used a groundbreaking technology to repair torn ACLs. The new procedure is still undergoing clinical trials and uses bio-engineered material called BEAR which provides an environment for torn ligament ends to reattach themselves.

The American College of Sports Medicine reports that about 400,000 people suffer an ACL tear each year in the United States. The goal of surgery is to restore stability and health by repairing or replacing this important ligament which connects your leg’s upper reaches with lower part-your femur bones. A newer procedure called “BEAR” offers alternative options for restoring native anatomy while providing patients more choices when it comes to treating their ACL injury.

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